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Programs Overview

Paint Club

Our gateway introductory program – Up to 100 students from each of several struggling schools participate in a 10-week,18 hours/week After School Program where they transform their school’s public spaces from cold and institutional to warm and inspirational.


Paint Club is a perfect example of applied learning that reengages students in their education. Students are encouraged to measure the areas to be painted and calculate square footage, gallonage, and cost. Math ceases to be an abstraction and becomes practical and interesting to the students.


Transform their school’s environment; learn commercial painting skills, project management, and transferable work habits; community building.


Design Studio

5 days a week for 6 weeks students from grades 7-12 learn the conceptual and practical competencies to explore design software programs, develop visual language, redefine problems, create solutions, and impact audiences as young catalysts of change.  


Underperforming students develop critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills while creating designs that address issues in their communities. Attendance and collaboration are increased as teachers and students experience the effectiveness of project-based learning.


COLOR Club (Community of Leaders Organizing Revitalization)

3-day-a-week weekly, multi-year after-school program for Paint Club graduates - offers academic supports and career exposure and life-skills workshops while painting in schools and under-resourced community facilities on Saturdays. 


Financial literacy, career skills, and job readiness training; weekly academic tutoring; community building; creative problem-solving skill development.


Summer Design Studio

7-week college-level enrichment and project-based learning program hosted on a college campus; literacy and math immersion through product design classes in the mornings; Afternoons are spent painting shelters, community centers, and neglected playgrounds. Participants develop critical thinking skills and strong work habits.


College environment; combats summer learning loss; fosters collaborative learning and problem solving and design thinking; skill mastery of Adobe Creative Suite; test preparation; presentation and project critique by industry professionals.


Fresh Coat

Semi-professional painting crew, comprised of seasoned student apprentices; includes participation in all Next Steps workshops and internships.


Transform public sites; leadership skill development; develop entrepreneurial skills for a possible painting business.


Next Steps

Our 3-day/week, multi-year apprenticeship program offering innovative college and career prep workshops; weekly academic supports, multiple college tours, individualized College guidance, SAT prep, and Saturday painting projects.


On-time HS graduation, academic college readiness, leadership development, improved organization and creative problem-solving skills, concrete post-secondary education and career plan.


College Scholarships

High school graduates are awarded a 5-year gap scholarship and supports that ensure college graduation or attainment of post-secondary certificate for a straight-to-career option. ($1500-$6000 annually) Students are paired with mentors who are professionals in the career field the student is pursuing.


College persistence, degree attainment, academic achievement, paid internships, and career counseling and opportunities.



89% of alums are employed

19% are in business/finance/marketing banking careers 

16% are in nursing/health careers 

16% are in retail/customer relations and gig-economy jobs 

10% are in social service careers 

9% are in art & design careers

8% are in STEM careers 

8% are in administrative jobs 

7% are in trades and construction jobs 

5% are in education careers  

2% are in the armed forces 

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Contact Us
Phone: 212.213.6121
Fax: 212.213.6131
Address: 20 West 36th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10018

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